Ducktales Volume 11-20 Hindi All Episodes
video games: ducktales 2 the quest for gold scrooge's loot disney heroes: battle mode disney all-star racers comics: comic books ( idw ) books: dinosaur ducks the secret city under the sea dinosaur valley launchpad's daring raid welcome to duckburg sphinx for the memories and sir gyro gearloose the great lost treasure hunt scrooge mcduck and the big surprise dinosaur ducks and jungle duck the hunt for the giant pearl scrooge's treasure hunt christmas at the north pole armstrong the robot and earthquack silver dollars for uncle scrooge webby saves the day
Ducktales Volume 11-20 Hindi All Episodes
after watching these episodes, i can say that i would definitely recommend that everyone with a basic knowledge of the comics read up on those stories before watching this volume. the first episode, "launchpad's first crash", in particular has several of the characters from the comics in it. of course, those that had already been established as characters on this show, such as launchpad, mrs. beakley, and most of the four kids, are here, so there is little need for a recapping of the series. the same cannot be said, however, for characters like gladstone gander, scrooge's former partner, whom we hadn't seen since he appeared on the show in the first episode, "the great dime chase", in the second season. also missing from this episode are several other characters that were introduced in the comics (although most of those can be found in subsequent episodes), including the mysterious masked riverboat captain and goggles mcginty. "dime enough for luck" is the first time we see gladstone in the show, and he is just as likely to get in trouble as scrooge, sometimes even more so. "the uncrashable hindentanic" shows the first appearance of magica despell, scrooge's opponent in this volume; the only previous time we see her in the show was in the second season episode "the trouble with magica". she and scrooge are also more reluctant partners than they had been in the comics, although not to the same degree that they appeared later on the show. the title of this episode, "duck in the iron mask", was first used on the comics in "the royal race", but the story it refers to here is a much more obscure one that appears later on in the comics, though this is the only instance we see in the series of scrooge's name being used to describe something. "the status seekers" is a story that has a few parallels to the comics, though it is also a very loose adaptation of the first two stories of the four-part comic book story "the four horsemen". the title of this story is another reference to the comics, and like "dime enough for luck", it is the first time that the character gladstone gander appears on the show. gladstone and scrooge are more reluctant partners on this one than in the other two, but again, not as much as they appear later on. "nothing to fear" is the only story that was not written by barks, and it is quite out of character for scrooge. this story never appeared in the comics, although the ending that we see in the show is quite similar to the last two parts of the comic. the story here also has some interesting parallels to the later comics stories "the secret of the pumpkin king", "the bad eggs brigade", and "the dark thing." "launchpad's first crash" is the first original story in the series, and it is also one of the best. "ducktales" appears to have been a deliberate attempt to recreate the barks comic book stories, and this episode does a pretty good job of that. "launchpad's first crash" also features the first appearance of launchpad, a major character of the comics who, like magica, would appear in several later episodes. "dime enough for luck" is the second episode in the series to feature gladstone, and the only other time that we would see him is again in the next episode, "the uncrashable hindentanic".